NeoCASS suite Homepage

Welcome to the Homepage of NeoCASS Open Source Project!

What NeoCASS is?

NeoCASS (Next generation Conceptual Aero Structural Sizing) is a free suite of Matlab modules that combines state of the art computational, analytical and semi-empirical methods to tackle all the aspects of the aero-structural analysis of a design layout at conceptual design stage.

NeoCASS was initially developed by Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, during the FP6 EU funded project SimSAC, as part of the software package for Aircraft Conceptual Design called CEASIOM (

Since 2011 NeoCASS is a standalone Suite for Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization at Conceptual and Preliminary Level.

Since 2020 A-Cubed Technology, a POLIMI’s startup, supports non-educational use of NeoCASS, including training and code customications.

NeoCASS is released under GNU’s GPL 2.1.

What NeoCASS is not?

  • A fully automatic software for the complete design of aircraft.
  • A commercial tool.
  • A 24/7 supported software.