
Q1. What is NeoCASS?

A1. NeoCASS (Next generation Conceptual Aero Structural Sizing) is a free suite of Matlab modules that combines state of the art computational, analytical and semi-empirical methods to tackle all the aspects of the aero-structural analysis of a design layout at conceptual design stage.

Q2. Is NeoCASS free?

A2. NeoCASS is free software (see the GNU project of the Free Software Foundation for more information about free software). In short, this means that you can freely get NeoCASS in (Matlab) source form, use it, modify it, and even redistribute it for free or for any fee you want to apply. However, there are few constraints: you cannot modify the license and, if you redistribute the software, you have to distribute it (also) in source form, even if you modified it, including your modifications. This is necessary to give others the same rights you got and exploited by using it.

Q3. What license is NeoCASS distributed under?Q4. Who maintains and develops NeoCASS?

A3. NeoCASS is currently distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL) Version 2, as you may read in the license page.

Q4. Who maintains and develops NeoCASS?

A4. NeoCASS was originally developed at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of Politecnico di Milano as a research tool for the aircraft conceptual design including aeroelasticity. It constitues the main DIA-PoliMI’s contribution to the EU FP6 project named SimSAC. NeoCASS has been embedded as a dedicated module into CEASIOM software, that was the major outcome of SimSAC project. Since October 2011, NeoCASS has been made available to the free software community as an independent Open Source project. NeoCASS as standalone module is currently maintained and further developed by a pool of researchers of DIA-PoliMI. Contributions from users are warmly welcome.

Q5. Where can I get NeoCASS?

A5. You may get the latest release of the source code from the download page of this site.

Q6. Who distributes NeoCASS?

A6. NeoCASS is distributed in (Matlab) source form by the developers, through the official website. NeoCASS is also packed into CEASIOM framework, distributed by CFS. For any issue related to packaging, please do contact as a primary option the package maintainers. In case of bugs found in that distribution, we are happy to hear about them, in case the bugs actually are in NeoCASS source code, because then they can quickly get fixed. If you want to be sure of using the last version of NeoCASS, please download it from the official website.

Q7. Where can I find NeoCASS documentation?

A7. The documentation will be mainly available on the official website in terms of tutorials, application examples and manuals. Unfortunately, the official documentation is not so updated like the code. Most of the foundations NeoCASS is based on are illustrated in PhD theses and journal and conference papers listed on the official website, where further developments will be posted as soon as they become available.


Q1. Does NeoCASS run on both Windows and Linux systems?

A1. Basically NeoCASS is written in Matlab language, so it can be used in any kind of systems running Matlab.

Q2. Which Matlab Version is required?

A2. NeoCASS requires Matlab version 2010 or higher. Some analysis options require the installation of the Matlab Optimization Toolbox.

Q3. How to Report a Bug?

A3. Currently, the NeoCASS project has no any formal issue or bug reporting and tracking system. The preferred way to report bugs consists in sending a detailed bug report to the support email address neocass@polimi.it

Q4. How can I contribute to NeoCASS?

A4. There are many ways to contribute to NeoCASS project, i.e.:

    • By sending us just a feedback about the software, your impressions and the difficulties you encountered using it;
    • By reporting bugs, fixing/adding tutorials, documentation, and so;
    • By submitting patches that fix bugs or implement new features, and so;
    • By establishing a grant with DIA/Polimi to implement the features or develop the models you need.


Q1. What type of aircraft layout can be analyzed with NeoCASS?

A1. NeoCASS can be used to analyze aircraft based on conventional or non-conventional configuration, such as canard, three surfaces, double Vtails, double tailbooms.

Q2. Is it possible to use NeoCASS to analyze UAVs and small aircraft?

A2. In principle yes, but it must be reminded that the mass estimation methods implemented in Weight and Balance module are tuned for typical transport aircraft.

Q3. What is the main difference between GUESS and SMARTCAD modules?

A3. GUESS is the module of NeoCASS aimed at the structural sizigi starting from the aircraft description included into XML file. The main outcome of GUESS is the aeroelastic stick model of the aircraft. SMARTCAD is the aeroelastic kernel of NeoCASS, used to perform the most typical aeroelastic analyses once the aircraft stick model is provided.

Q4. Do I have to run every time both GUESS and SMARTCAD modules?

A4. No, it is not necessary. If you already have at disposal the stick model, you can use the GUI to prepare the analysis cards and the SMARTCAD analysis file, usually named XXX.dat. If you already have a SMARTCAD analysis file, you can simply open it and run it.

Q5. What is the main difference between GUESS Standard and GUESS Modify?

A5. Standard and Modify are two different ways or modes to run GUESS module. GUESS in Standard mode uses for structural sizing three pre-defined maneuvers: symmetric pull-up maneuver at max g level, sideslip motion due to one engine off, symmetric landing. GUESS in Modify mode adopts for structural sizing a series of maneuvers freely defined by the user. GUESS in Modify mode offers two other advanced capabilities that are not available when running GUESS in Standard Mode, i.e. the capability to analyse the Joined Wing aircraft configuration and the possibility to associate different mass configurations to the different user-defined maneuvers.